PRINCE HALL DAUGHTERS OF ISIS SINGLE-ROW FEZ ORDER #: 900-PHDOISRF P.H. D.O.I. Single-Row Fez.Gorgeous Gold Mylar embroidered head with brown face set with colored stones. WHITE felt; 18” BLACK Tassel, rhinestone band, sweatband, rain hat, and WHITE ZIPPER CASE RHINESTONES, single-row in name up to 6 letters of your choice. 900-PHDOISRF: $225.00 PH D.O.I. Single-Row Fez. Note: * For additional large letters over 6, add $17. 50 (Court Name). * For additional small letters over 6, add $6.00.
PRINCE HALL DAUGHTERS OF ISIS (D.O.I.) DOUBLE-ROW FEZ ORDER #: 901-PHDOIDRF PH D.O.I. Double-Row Fez.Gorgeous Gold Mylar embroidered head with brown face set with colored stones. WHITE felt; 18” BLACK Tassel, rhinestone band, sweatband, rain hat, and WHITE ZIPPER CASE RHINESTONES, double-row in name up to 6 letters of your choice. 901-PHDOIDRF: $275.00 PH D.O.I. Double-Row Fez. Note: * For additional large letters over 6, add $17. 50 (Court Name). * For additional small letters over 6, add $6.00.
PRINCE HALL DAUGHTERS OF ISIS (D.O.I.) TRIPLE-ROW DELUXE FEZ ORDER #: 902-PHDOITRDF PH D.O.I. Triple-Row Deluxe Fez.Deluxe Bullion and Triple row Daughters of Imperial Court jeweled fez. The rhinestones are over gold hand embroidered bullion thread. The tassel is 24″ in length and has a deluxe crescent shaped tassel holder with rhinestones over gold bullion thread to match the lettering. The fez body is 100% white felt with a ventilated top. This fez is available with AB plastic back or crystal metal back rhinestones and is outlined in gold wire. The price also includes your court number up to 6 Letters. and the rhinestone Daughters emblem. 902-PHDOITRDF: $475.00 PH D.O.I. Triple-Row Deluxe Fez. Note: * For additional large letters over 6, add $17. 50 (Court Name). * For additional small letters over 6, add $6.00.
- D.O.I. Crown -
DAUGHTERS OF ISIS CROWN ORDER #: 903-DOICRN D.O.I. Crown.Rhodium plated DOI Metal crown with all with Rhinestones. 903-DOICRN: $235.00 D.O.I. Isis Crown.
- D.O.I. Officer's jewels -
DAUGHTERS OF ISIS COMMANDRESS JEWEL ORDER #: 904-DOICMDJ D.O.I. Commandress Jewel.Gold Plated Finish with Two Top Bars with Choice of Ribbon Drape Color. Measures Approximately 2″ W x 3-1/4″ H. Perfect for Your Ceremonial Needs. Proudly Made in the USA. 904-DOICMDJ: $65.00 D.O.I. Commandress Jewel.
DAUGHTERS OF ISIS OFFICER’S JEWELS ORDER #: 905-DOIOJ D.O.I. Officer’s Jewels. Beautiful gold-plated Officer’s Jewel; all 3-inches with “D. of I.” on top bar and officer title on second bar with appropriate emblem at bottom. Rhodium finishes available on request. Set of 12. Specify Officer Jewel type when ordering. 905-DOIOJs: $799.00 D.O.I. Officer’s Jewels (Set) 905-DOIOJe: $84.00 D.O.I. Officer’s Jewel (Ea.)