ADOPTIVE RITE RITUAL (Grey) ORDER #: 200-ARGwl Arranged By: Robert Macoy Adoptive Rite Ritual (Grey). Adoptive Rite Ritual 1952, 1980 Editions for Chapters under Supreme Grand Chapter authority, with SYO73. A book of Instruction, Organization, Government and Ceremonies of Order of the Eastern Star together with The Queen of the South and Administrative Degree. Revised edition in 1980 of the original Robert Macoy work from which all OES rituals of today are taken. Hardback, 303 Pages. A Macoy Publication ISBN 9780880531061. 200-ARGwl: $26.00 USD Adoptive Rite (Grey).
ADOPTIVE RITE RITUAL (White) ORDER #: 201-ARWwl Arranged By: Robert Macoy Adoptive Rite Ritual (White). Adoptive Rite Ritual 1998 Revised Edition, with SY073l. Eastern Star Ritual Book. Includes Syllabus for each Ritual purchased at no additional charge. Additional Syllabus’ .20 each. A book of Instruction, Organization, Government and Ceremonies of Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star together with The Queen of the South. Revised edition of the original Robert Macoy work from which all OES rituals of today are taken. Hardback, 230 pages. A Macoy Publication ISBN 9780880533003. 201-ARWwl: $26.00 USD Adoptive Rite Ritual (White).
SYMBOLISM OF THE EASTERN STAR ORDER #: 202-SOTESwl By Plessner. Symbolism Of The Eastern Star. Hard cover, 201 pages. Symbols, emblems, terms and the stories, as well as other subjects. Good source of information. Symbols, emblems, terms and the stories, as well as other pertinent subjects. A fine book of information. Soft cover, 201 pages. 202-SOTESwl: $23.50 USD Symbolism of the Eastern Star.
THE SECOND MILE ORDER NUMBR: 203-TSMwl By Sarah H. Terry The Second Mile. Bestseller, covering initiation, the stations, officers and much more. NEW Larger Print. Illustrations and explanations for study clubs of The Order of The Eastern Star. This revised edition covering OES initiation, Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, Electra, Symbolism, Numbers, Gems, Flowers, Colors, Stations, and Officers. You will surely want to go that second mile after you read Sister Sarah H. Terry’s book. Very useful for individuals, Eastern Star study groups, and any member who wants to learn more about our symbolism and ritual. Softcover, 88 pages. A Macoy Publishing. 203-TSMwl: $15.00 USD The Second Mile.
STAR POINT SERIES ORDER #: 204-SPSwl By: Ottillie S. Brunke, P.G.S. (Wisconsin) Star Point Series. Address On Each Point. Brief History, Ceremony and Poem for each. Will prove useful also for one called upon to give a 10- or 15-minute address. PLUS 4 Ceremonies. Soft covers. 96 pages. 204-SPSwl: $12.00 USD Star Point Series.
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O.E.S. FLOOR WORK ORDER #: 208-OESFLwl By: Ottillie Brunk, PGG Sec WI O.E.S. Floor Work. 5 separate marches; Officer’s Entrance (5 diagrams), Retiring with star formation around altar (2 diagrams), outgoing with officers forming aisle for Worth Patron and Worthy Matron (5 diagrams), Triangle Retiring March (2 diagrams), Cross Retiring (2 diagrams) A Macoy Publication. 208-OESFLwl: $8.00 USD O.E.S. Floor Work.
LOVE IS THE KEY ORDER #: 209-LITKwl By Earnestine H. Brewster Love Is The Key. The help in planning interesting and inspiring program; 48 pages; Paperback. Any O.E.S. Worthy Matron or Presiding Officer of any organization will find this of great benefit in planning interesting and inspiring programs. Mrs. Brewster is a Past Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star and has also been Presiding Officer of many civic and church groups. Includes: Acceptance Speeches, Presentations, Retiring Addresses, Programs to Honor Past Officers, Charter Members, etc. 209-LITKwl: $10.00 USD Love is the key.
AMARANTH RITUAL ORDER NUMBR: 210-AMwl By Macoy Amaranth Ritual, Macoy. Revised Edition containing the Administrative Degree. Ceremonies for Amaranth with full initiatory work, including Landmarks and brief history. 169 Pages, Hard Cover, Red. Syllabus included A Macoy Publication. 210-AMwl: $15.00 USD Amaranth Ritual, Macoy.