ORDER #:  100-PHMRml
Authored/Published by:  Gardner M. Torrence, Sr., PGM
PH MAS-RITHottest Masonic Ritual on the Market!  The Prince Hall Masonic Ritual is the Prince Hall Family’s newest Masonic Ritual that’s specifically publish for use by Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodges, Free and Accepted Masons.  It has the complete Blue Lodge Opening, Closing, and All Three Symbolic Ancient Craft Degrees (EA, FC, and MM). It’s that little black book that so many jurisdiction need as part of their ritualistic inventory. 247 Pages., Available in different version:  Hardback 247 Pages, Paperback 159 pages, and Paperback Large Print 235 pages.  Unbeatable bulk price, inquire.
100-PHMRhbml:  $24.99 USD PH MAS-RIT Hardback ISBN 979-8-9885530-0-7.
100-PHMRscml:  $29.95 USD PH MAS-RIT Paperback ISBN 979-8-9885530-1-4.
100-PHMRlpml:  $29.95 USD PH MAS-RIT Hardback ISBN 979-8-9885530-2-1.

ORDER #:  100-PHMLPml
Authored/Published by:  Gardner M. Torrence, Sr., PGM
PH MAS-RIT LARGE Print VersionThis “LARGE PRINT VERSION  of the Prince Hall Masonic Ritual, is a welcome site to every mason eyes.  A put together ritual master-piece that should reside in every mason’s masonic library as a reference.  Complete Ancient Craft Opening, Closing, and All Three Symbolic Ancient Craft Degrees (EA, FC, and MM).  Large Print 235 pages.
631-PHMRLPml:  $29.95 USD PH MAS-RIT Hardback ISBN 979-8-9885530-2-1.

ORDER #:  101-RITBOIml
Published By:  Gardner M. Torrence, Sr., PGM
MWPHGL’S MASONIC RITUAL AND BOOK OF INSTRUCTION (RIT-BOI)a must have in your masonic inventory.  Ritual and Book of Instruction (RIT-BOI) for use by all Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodges. 
101-RITBOIml:  $29.95 USD MWPHGLs Masonic Ritual and Book of Instruction.

ORDER #:  103-LL2ERml
Authored By:  Ralph P. Lester
LOOK TO THE EASTComplete and revised work of the three degrees with their ceremonies, lectures, etc. By laws & officer installation in the back of book.  Soft Paperback with Brown Cover, 235 pages. 
103-LL2ERml:  $18.00 USD Lester’s Look to the East (Revised).

ORDER #:  104-ITFml
By: Carl H. Claudy
INTRODUCTION TO FREEMASONRYA 3 vol set (Vol. 1 = EA; Vol. 2 = FC; Vol. 3 = MM) A simple explanation of the period of learning and fundamentals. This set of books answers the elementary inquiries of the new brother to whom all the craft is strange. This set of books will also make many a Mason sit up in astonishment that what he thought obvious and uninteresting is so vividly alive.  Carl Harry Claudy (1879–1957) was an American magazine writer, a journalist for the New York Herald and author of a number of books relating to photography and to aviation, including First Book of Photography: A Primer of Theory and Prize Winners’ Book of Model Airplanes. During the early 1900s, Claudy photographed many important aeronautical events such as Alexander Graham Bell’s tetrahedral kite experiments and the Wright Flyer Army Trials at Fort Meyer, Virginia.[1] Claudy wrote many science fiction stories for The American Boy magazine during the early 1930s. Four novelization books were printed from some of those stories. From 1939-1941, he wrote for DC Comics. He was also a Masonic leader, speaker, playwright, and essayist. He wrote several handbooks for Masons. 
104-ITFml:  $29.95 Introduction To Freemasonry.

ORDER #:  105-MLRml
By:  H. W. Sander
MORE LIGHT REVISED.  A RITUAL OF THE THREE SYMBOLIC DEGREES.  Non-illustrated edition covering the opening, degree work, lectures and closings for each level of the First Three Degrees. Hard Cover, 200 pages. 
105-MLRml:  $19.00 USD More Light Revised.

ORDER #:  106-SMml
By:  George E. Simons
STANDARD MONITORStandard Masonic Monitor for the three degrees that’s preferred by many jurisdictions.  Revised by Whiting and Harness who were grand lecturers of New York, with burial service, Parliamentary laws, Masonic Calendar. Soft cover, 248 pages. Over 200 illustrations. Large easy to read. A Macoy Published Book
106-SMml:  $18.00 USD Standard Monitor.

ORDER #:  107-TNMMml
By:  H. L. Haywood
THE NEWLY MADE MASON (NEW SOFTBACK VERSION)What he and every Mason should know about Masonry.  For the Newly-Made Mason, but is chock full of Masonic facts for all, and covers the origin, history, philosophy, symbolism, organization and operation of the Order. Divided into 5 parts: Operative Freemasonry, The Petition, The Great Symbols, Religion and Masonry, and Visiting Masons. Cover, 220 pages, Illustrations. Beginning from 1330 to 1717 A.D. Transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry. The First Grand Lodge of “Ancient” Freemasonry. A Macoy Published Book, 234 pages with Illustrations. 
107-TNMMml:  $29.50 USD The Newly Made Mason (New Softback Version.)

ORDER #:  108-MLGml
By:  Paul Foster Case
THE MASONIC LETTER “G”Masonry cannot be appreciated or understood without the knowledge of the Qabalistic Tree of Life and its insight into the nature of man and the Cosmos. Develops the relationship between the Geometry upon which the building and architectural symbolism of Masonry are based and the Geomatria of the Qabalists, a system of number correspondences to words and phrases that reveals the meanings of the numbers, measurements and geometrical proportions in the Old and New Testaments.  The author states that it is difficult to determine when the letter G was introduced into Speculative Masonry as a symbol. Follow him as he lays out his facts.  Soft cover, 96 pages. 
108-MLGml:  $17.00 USD Masonic Letter “G”.

ORDER #:  109-TCASml
By:  Allen E. Roberts
THE CRAFT AND ITS SYMBOLSTHE NEWLY RAISED MASTER MASON should have it.  Because it explains meanings of the initiation ceremonies, he has just gone through which he probably did not grasp at the time.  A must for SPEAKERS, LEADERS, THE NON-MASON, AND EVERYBODY WHO NEEDS A “LIFT” FOR A BETTER WAY OF LIVING WITH HIS FELLOWMAN.  Hard cover, 104 pages. (English version) 
109-TCASml:  $17.00 USD The Craft and Its Symbols.7

ORDER #:  110MCEKml
Authored By:  M.J. Barrett
MASONIC-K-KISMSome Old Masonic Catch Questions and Some New Ones with Answers.  and new Masonic catch questions.  This book has been used by Masons for over twenty years. This Catch-e-Kism will be enjoyed by brothers who want to learn more. Paperback 42 pages. 
110MCEKml:  $7.00 USD Masonic Catch-E-Kism.

ORDER #:  111-MAISml   
By:  Harold. W. Percival
MASONRY AND ITS SYMBOLSMasonry and its Symbols provides a link between the esoteric meanings of Ancient Masonry to the more familiar exoteric meanings of today.  Masonry and Its Symbols casts a new light on the age-old teachings and exalted purposes of Freemasonry. This ancient Order has existed under one name or another long before the building of the oldest pyramid. It is older than any religion known today! The author points out that Masonry is for humanity—for the conscious self in every human body. This book illuminates how any one of us can choose to prepare for the highest purposes of mankind—Self-knowledge, Regeneration and Conscious Immortality. It will enhance every Mason’s likelihood of finding “More Light.”  Soft cover with 90 pages. 
111-MAISml:  $19.00 USD Masonry and Its Symbols.

ORDER #:  112-FMAGml
By:  Edmond Ronayne
FREEMASONRY AT A GLANCEThe Illustrated Secrets of Thirteen Degrees of Freemasonry. Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery Degrees. Every ceremony, sign, grip, password, etc. described and illustrated. Also, sample pages of revised Knights of Pythias, revised Odd Fellowship, Revised Red Men, Foresters, Mystic Shrine, Woodmen and Scotch Rite Masonry, with a catalogue of Cook’s Standard Rituals of Secret Societies. Soft Back, Large Print Edition. 
112-FMAGml:  $5.00 USD Freemasonry at a Glance.

By:  William E. Hammond
WHAT MASONRY MEANS.  The philosophy of Freemasonry linking the ritual and the lectures to the very things with which the Mason is familiar.  A Macoy Published Book. Brother Hammond includes topics such as: Masonic Interests; The Supreme Architect; Personal Edifice; Social Structure; Building Materials; Masonic Light; Masonic Instruction. Soft cover, Index, 173 pages. 
113-WMMml $14.00 USD What Masonry Means.

Authored By:  Rollin C. Blackmer
THE LODGE AND THE CRAFTThirty-one lectures beginning with an Introduction of Masonic Lodge and Masonic Craft, the author covers Ancient Landmarks and Charges, Masonic Rituals and Masonic Ceremonies, Opening and Closing Ceremonies for Masons, and Masonic Symbolism. The Three Degrees are covered in detail. This Macoy published book was out of print in 1923. Topics such as the Legend of the Craft, Freemasonry and the Roman Church, Management of the Masonic Lodge, Jurisprudence and a fine Conclusion. A Macoy Published Book.  Soft Cover, Paperback with 295 pages. 
114-TLATCml:  $17.00 USD The Lodge and the Craft.

ORDER #:  115-MAMml
By:  H. L. Haywood
MORE ABOUT MASONRYThis is a companion to Haywood’s The Newly-made Mason and is intended for the one who wishes to advance in Masonic information and become adept and take an active part in lodge work.  Gives the origins of the Craft, its history, organization into lodges and Grand Lodges, its relation to the civil government, and more.  Soft covers, 236 pages. 
115-MAMml:  $13.00 USD More About Masonry.

ORDER #:  616-TLKFMml
By:  Manly P. Hall, 33˚
THE LOST KEYS OF FREEMASONRYA book for the Mason and non-Mason.  This three-in-one volume features the original illustrations of each book, for a total of nearly thirty images, including recreations of scenes and rites from Masonry’s unusual history. It also includes a new index encompassing all three titles. As a contribution to Masonic idealism, revealing the profounder aspects of an ancient fraternity which has always wrought for the benefit of mankind, the book is one to read over and over again. Temple Builders, Craftsmen and Artisans, alike will find much for study and consideration within these pages. The Egyptian initiate has been added to this edition and readers will find it intensely interesting enlightening.  136 pages. Illus. 
116-TLKFMml:  $17.00 USD The Lost Keys of Freemasonry.

ORDER #:  117-FMIHMml
By:  George H. Steinmetz
Freemasonry: Its Hidden MeaningYou will have a better, a more understandable knowledge of what Freemasonry teaches and know how to make your masonry a workable, a live, an interesting, and a satisfying way of life. The author’s hopes to encourage Masons everywhere to seek their own methods of promoting understanding and brotherly love. He hopes to answer questions about why Freemasonry continues to be revered. A Macoy Published Book.  Paperback cover, 215 pages. Illus., Indexed. 
117-FMIHMml:  $22.50 USD Freemasonry:  Its Hidden Meaning.

ORDER #:  118-MTIEml
By:  Allen E. Roberts
THE MYSTIC TIEThe Mystic Tie, written by Allen E. Roberts, provides a thoughtful and deliberate accounting of the brotherhood, unity, and universality of Freemasonry. Many issues ranging from censorship, religion, Masonic research, and leadership are covered and discussed.  From the first page to the last, the reader is in for an adventure–one that will take him through the centuries of recorded history.  Read about Plato, the Civil War, the “Lodge of confusion,” Prince Hall Freemasonry and more.  Hard cover, jacket, 312 pages. Index. 
118-MTIEml:  $12.00 USD The Mystic Tie.

By:  H. L. Haywood
The Great Teachings of Masonry.  This classic work has recently been reprinted and enlarged to include a chapter on Ancient Mysteries and Masonic Symbolism.
Of special interest is the addition of a Tribute to Harry Leroy Haywood by Ralph Whipple.  What is Masonry, what does it stand for, what are its purposes and doctrines, its history, and much more?
119-TGTMml:  $21.00 USD The Great Teachings of Masonry.

ORDER #:  120-TSOMml
By:  Foster Bailey
THE SPIRIT OF MASONRYMasonry is more than a social organization–it is a way of life and its destiny is to bring spiritual benefits to all men, Masons and non-Masons alike.  The spirit of Masonry is the spirit of the eternal Quest, a key to both individual and group progress toward God’s goal for man. In this book, Freemasonry is addressed from a spiritual point of view. The reader is shown how the function of modern Masonry is destined to bring spiritual benefits to all people. The inner meanings and function of modern Freemasonry are covered.  Soft cover with 153 pages. 
120-TSOMml:  $24.00 USD The Spirit Of Masonry.

ORDER #:  121-HBMLOml
By:  H. L. Haywood
HOW TO BECOME A MASONIC LODGE OFFICER.  This book show how You may become an officer of your lodge If You Can Qualify. Practical suggestions of How to Go About It, what the requirements are and the proper and legitimate steps You Can Take to realize this laudable ambition. The author was one of the best known Masonic writers and covers this important subject completely. Every lodge annually needs new lodge officers and often some of the best and brightest leadership is over-looked because of the modesty of members who are qualified and anxious to be of service but hesitate to offer themselves as available officer material. This is unfair both to the members and to their lodge. Read this book on freemasons and Masonic leadership.  228 pages, Paperback.
121-HBMLOml:  $30.00 USD How to Become a Masonic Lodge Officer.

Order #:  122-MOC7ml
By:  Keith Moore, 32°
Moorish Circle 7This book is based on the theory that the black Muslim movement was created from the knowledge of the Masonic order. In the early decades of the 20th century, Noble Drew Ali established a political and religious organization known today as the Moorish Science Temple of America. It was this organization that exposed black to something other than the normal Christian influences of that day. Ali a high degree freemason, incorporated various Masonic teachings from an auxiliary group. Known as the AEAONMS ancient Egyptian Arabic order of noble of the mystic shrine A pseudo Islamic/Arabic oriental organization that served as a wakeup call to a lost knowledge. This book by far is in no way a research into black history, instead it covers a more deeper aspect of history in which I call the history behind the history. It explores the true Asiatic origins of the ancient religions of Hinduism, Buddhism well as the Islamic faith. Finally It explores the Masonic symbolisms of Ali’s Moorish science dogma digging deeper into the esoteric side of his Aquarian/Masonic teaching explaining their origins and disco. 
122-MOC7ml:  Not Available at this time.   Moorish Circle 7.

ORDER #:  123-CMEml
By Henry Wilson Coil, 33º
Edited by Dr. William M. Brown 33º, Dr. William L. Cummings 33º NJ, & Harold Van Buren Voorhes, 33º; Revised and Updated by Allen E. Roberts, 33º NJ, 1995.
COIL’S MASONIC ENCYCLOPEDIAIn the 20 years since its original publication, this volume has stood the test of time. The range of this reference work is wide. The book includes concordant orders throughout the world as well as the organizational structure in the US. Coil is well versed in his symbolism and he includes entries on jurisprudence as well as history. Over 1750 articles amply discussed from A-Z, plus a Chronology beginning with the 10th Century through the 20th, listing important Masonic events and facts in order of occurrence. PLUS A HISTORY-READING-DIRECTORY. Sturdy library binding. A Macoy Published Book Approximate size: 8 1/2 X 11. A small sampling of Coils topics covered in this encyclopedia include: Five orders of Architecture, Masonic Calendar, Masonic Degrees, Eastern Star, Definition of Freemasonry, Masonic Presidents, Masonic Rituals, Scottish Rite. 
123-CMEml:  $88.00 USD Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia.

ORDER #:  124-FMAEIDml
Authored By:  Mustafa El-Amin.
FREEMASONRY ANCIENT EGYPT AND THE ISLAMIC DESTINYHighlights the connection between Freemasonry, America and Ancient Egypt. It explores the great contributions that the ancient Africans of Egypt made to the West and the entire world. Mustafa El-Amin, author of bestseller Al-Islam, Christianity, and Freemasonry, now examines what it is about Freemasonry that made most of the founding fathers of America feel the need to embrace it; why is it that so many people of influence (members of Congress, the Supreme Court, judges, politicians) –past and present–have joined and studied the teachings of Freemasonry.  Paperback 156 pages 
124-FMAEIDml:  $14.00 USD Freemasonry Ancient Egypt and the Islamic Destiny.

BY: Macoy Publishing
This Burial Service comes with Instructions.
In the Lodge Room, at Church or at Home; New Service.  At the Grave to include Short and New Services.
125-MFSml:  $5.25 USD Masonic Funeral Service (With Instructions)

ORDER #:  126-TMBml
By Carl H. Claudy
THE MASTER’S BOOKA Book for Every Master Mason.  An excellent guide and must read for all Wardens and officers headed from West to East. This book is a timeless jewel for the upcoming Master of the Lodge.  “The Master’s Book, is among the best summaries of Masonic teachings on leadership available. Despite being written many years ago, it puts the role of the leader of a lodge into the context of expectations and practicalities. Themes include dignity and harmony, as well as humility vs. arrogance. The book highlights the preparation needed to move to the East, the powers, duties and laws affecting the top job, the “art of presiding,” ideas for interesting meetings, the essential recipe for getting others involved, why masters should concern themselves with such matters as lodge finances, and an ideal description of how a Masonic year in the East should turn out.“ Happy the Master who lays down his gavel at the end of his year, knowing he has done all that in him lies; mortal man may do no more.”  Published by The Temple Publishers. 
126-TMBml:  $32.00 USD The Master’s Book.

ORDER #:  127-MMDml
by C. Bruce Hunter and Revised by PGM Michael Halleran.
MACOY’S MODERN MASONIC DICTIONARY.  Inside you will find a standard Masonic reference, with definitions and expanded etymology for Masonic words and terms that we simply don’t define in our work.  Added to this is a short appendix describing the Scottish Rite and York Rite degree system, as well as a complete bibliography for those brethren who are interested in further study.  Most Worshipful Halleran designed each letter of the alphabet using Masonic Symbols.  He researched each definition Brother Hunter penned and made sure it was up to date and accurate.  I really love this book.  It explains many things in Freemasonry in a quick and to the point manner.  If you are raising a new Mason, this book should be one you put into his hands.  The new brother will be impressed by the design and content.  Find out how the author defines Masonic symbols, Masonic funeral, Freemason examined, and much more. 6 x 9 Soft cover. 128 pages. 
127-MMDml:  $17.00 USD Macoy’s Modern Masonic Dictionary

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